3 Year/PreK
What to Expect
Our preschoolers start out in their classrooms and then go to their very own Big Group for offering, singing and story. They will then return to their classrooms for crafts, games and activities that reinforce the story and playing with their friends.
What should I bring?​
Offering – All kids have the opportunity to change the world through giving. Kids can bring their “change” (quarters, nickels, dimes, pennies) and put it in the Plinko containers during their Big Group time. Monies collected are sent to various missionaries that The Bridge Church supports around the world.
What about food in the classroom?
Please be sure your children eat at home and don’t bring food to the classroom. If your child has allergies and cannot have goldfish or animal crackers, we will exchange a substitute snack you may want to provide.
We ask that you do not bring cake or donuts to celebrate your child’s birthday or other special occasions as there are many children with allergies that cannot eat these foods.
Occasionally our curriculum may include making a snack to reinforce the Bible truth the children are learning. We will post Allergy Alert signs whenever we serve anything beyond goldfish or animal crackers.
When is my child transitioned to the next age level? Up through the 4-year-old classroom your child will transition to the new classroom on or after their birthday. Please give one week’s notice for transitions so that our rosters will reflect accurate information. You may inform the leader in the classroom or contact the church office. (Once in the 4-year-old classroom, your child will stay there until “Transition Sunday” in the summer.)
Curriculum We believe even our littlest ones can learn! For 3 yrs - PreK we use Brite from Awana curriculum.
Saying Goodbye After you have completed the check-in process, simply wave a quick good-bye, and leave for the worship service. As you know, it is normal for little ones to cry when leaving a parent. This does not last long, and separation becomes easier over time. Our leaders will immediately try to create interest in a toy or activity and give assurance that you will return after the worship service is completed. If your child cries for an extended period of time, we will text you.
Checking on your child Feel free to check on your little one at any time during the worship service. However, we ask that you do so discreetly, trying not to let your child see you. Since we have cameras in all rooms, you can stop by the Welcome Desk and ask to see the camera view of your child’s classroom.