Infants / Toddlers
What to Expect
Our infant and toddler rooms are staffed with loving, caring, well-trained folks who not only take care of our youngest members, but have monthly songs and finger plays to start them on their love for Jesus. We want to make sure that all our babies and toddlers feel welcome, safe, and secure while in our ministry.
What should I bring?
2-3 Disposable diapers (no cloth diapers please)
Prepared bottles, not premixed (This is a good practice even for mothers who nurse.)
Any special comfort item your child may need
A change of clothes
Marking your diaper bag, bottles or any other belongings with your child’s name will assure you that these items do not get misplaced. Please check your child’s belongings before leaving the classroom. We have a Lost and found Tub at the Welcome Desk. Items not claimed after one month are donated to a charitable organization.
Additional Information
When you check your child into the classroom there are Check In/Check Out forms for you to note any special information of the day (i.e., when to change, nap, snack etc.). This will help us care for your child by noting your child’s preferences.
What about food in the classroom? If your child has allergies and cannot have goldfish or animal crackers, we will exchange a substitute snack you may want to provide.
We ask that you do not bring cake or donuts to celebrate your child’s birthday or other special occasions as there are many children with allergies that cannot eat these foods.
When is my child transitioned to the next age level? Up through the 4-year-old classroom your child will transition to the new classroom on or after their birthday. Please give one week’s notice for transitions so that our rosters will reflect accurate information. You may inform the leader in the classroom or contact the church office. (Once in the 4-year-old classroom, your child will stay there until “Transition Sunday” in the summer.)
Saying Goodbye After you have completed the check-in process, simply wave a quick good-bye, and leave for the worship service. As you know, it is normal for little ones to cry when leaving a parent. This does not last long, and separation becomes easier over time. Our leaders will immediately try to create interest in a toy or activity and give assurance that you will return after the worship service is completed. If your child cries for an extended period of time, we will text you.
Checking on your child Feel free to check on your little one at any time during the worship service. However, we ask that you do so discreetly, trying not to let your child see you. Since we have cameras in all rooms, you can stop by the Welcome Desk and ask to see the camera view of your child’s classroom.
Nursing Mom’s Room A Nursing Mom’s Room is available, designed to provide privacy during feeding times. Because our space is limited, we do ask mothers to limit their stay to just the time required to meet the needs of the child.